Wednesday, December 31, 2008

West Bluffs Park: Feedback Needed

This is the phenomenal view from one of Spokane’s best Vista’s from the top of the West Bluffs Park in Brownes Addition. From here people can view the final journey of Latah Creek as it runs into the Spokane River. People can appreciate the industrial history of Spokane through the views of the old train lines as well as the current trains crossing from Sunset Hill into our fair city. The visa also opens sight up to the Rimrocks Conservation Area and the Indian Canon area. In short this is one of the best views in all of Spokane that very few people know about.

Just below the vista is an important trail connection that connects the upper bluffs area and Browne’s Addition to Latah Creek, the Latah neighborhood, Peaceful Valley neighborhood, High Bridge Park (including Frisbee Golf), Peoples Park, Sandifer Bridge, the Bloomsday course, the Fish Lake Trail, and the centennial trail. Who knew that Browns Addition had such an amazing corridor to these amazing natural areas?

The neighborhood has started initial design work on formalizing this trail and updating the park area at the top of the bluffs to ensure that this critical access is formally adopted and recognized by the parks department as well as its fortunate residents.

Attend the Browns Addition Neighborhood Council Meeting on January 7th at the Museum of Arts and Culture at 6:30pm and provide essential feedback and opinions on the plan for the enhancement and preservation of this amazing park. We welcome newcomers and anyone with an good idea on how to make this park enhancement park project a better outcome. There will be a presentation on the project followed by resident input.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Latest from the City

Below is the latest press release from the city (underlines and emphasis added;  edited.)  I will be incontact with the street dept to ensure a second round plow and with plenty of time to plan for it.
Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740






City of Spokane snow removal crews Monday are once again working in the snow emergency routes and major arterials as our pattern of snow and more snow continues.  Truck plows, sanders, and de-icers are in the arterials. 

Graders remain in the residential streets, with the second round of residential plowing expected to be completed today and work on a third pass in some areas proceeds.  Residential plowing will be slow today because so much equipment is in the arterials.

In the residential areas, crews are finishing work in the final residential route remaining in the second round of plowing—8.  They also are plowing in residential hill sections 20, 22, and 24 for the third time and have completed route 23 for a third time.  In addition, they have completed section 1 for a third time and are working in 2, 12, and 13. 

Other areas will be plowed for a third time as needed in the coming days.  Browne's Addition currently is not scheduled for a second plow, but may be in the coming days as more snow falls.  (See the residential routes at 


Sunday, December 28, 2008

From the City

Good afternoon all,
We are continuing with snow removal efforts today, and also are asking
that people consider clearing storm drains, if possible, to minimize
urban flooding. We will have wastewater crews out tomorrow clearing
catch basins; our wastewater crews that would do that are currently
involved in snow removal.
For the coming week, we are still asking customers who receive garbage
pickup in the alley to put their carts on the street.

Marlene Feist
Public Affairs Officer
City of Spokane

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Plowing Schedules

Just to clear up any possible confusion, at this time ( Sat 12/27/08
at 11:00 am) there is no schedule for the next round plowing of
Browne's Addition that we are aware of.

The section maps on the city streets website, which you have to
download as a PDF in order to view, do not show the neighborhood as
belonging to a specific route (i.e. 11, 2, 14, etc.) I have been told
we occupy a unique space in the plowing universe, probably because of
our narrow streets and parked cars.

When we are told of the next round of plowing, we will put the
information up here and will once again ask the MAC to house our
vehicles overnight.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Flyer Compliments of Neighborhood Services

Parking at MAC

The MAC has graciously allowed neighbors in Browne's Addition to park in their parking lot Monday and Tuesday night for plowing.

They request we park in COVERED AREAS ONLY (Levels L1 and L2), as they are going to have the top, open parking area plowed.

Thanks to the MAC and spread the word!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Browne's Addition Plowing Schedule

From the city..

December 20, 2008 - 10:30 a.m.

Contact:        Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740

the City will plow Browne's Addition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 23 and 24.  North-south streets in Browne's Addition will be plowed on Tuesday, and east-west streets on Wednesday.  Plowing will begin at 9 a.m. each day in this area.  Because the streets are so narrow in Browne's Addition, cars must be moved from the streets or they will be towed.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Plowing in the Neighborhood

From the city..

December 20, 2008 - 10:30 a.m.

Contact: Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740

the City will plow Browne's Addition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 23
and 24. North-south streets in Browne's Addition will be plowed on
Tuesday, and east-west streets on Wednesday. Plowing will begin at 9
a.m. each day in this area. Because the streets are so narrow in
Browne's Addition, cars must be moved from the streets or they will be

Friday, December 19, 2008

Driving Conditions

This is from Al Gilson, Communications Manager for Eastern Region WSDOT

Winter driving conditions

Winter driving conditions can be expected on all state highways and secondary roadways.  Motorists need to be prepared for these conditions at all times by carrying chains, basic safety equipment, and keep your vehicle in proper operating conditions.  

Winter driving information is available at: <
Mountain pass reports plus road conditions on selected eastern Washington highways is available by dialing 5-1-1 or via the internet at the following web pages: < <

Snow Update - Trash Pick-up Suspended

Hey Neighbors,

Here is the latest from the city...


December 19, 2008 - 7 a.m.

Contact:        Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740



City garbage pickup suspended for another day


City snow removal crews made solid progress overnight.  They have completed their emergency snow routes and are continuing to work on major and secondary arterials.  Many arterials are in good shape.

Additionally, work in the residential neighborhoods also is continuing.  Crews have finished residential hill section 23, which includes part of Indian Trail; are wrapping up section 24, in southwest Spokane; have proceeded into 22, which includes Five Mile and other parts of far northwest Spokane, and have just begun work in 20, which includes the west side of the South Hill.  (See residential snow route map at to look at the routes.)

Eleven private graders, up from seven last night, are now in the residential roads, along with 10 City graders.  Residents should wait until the second grader passes their house before shoveling out their driveways.

Work also is proceeding downtown.  Crews have "racked" the snow to the center of the street, creating large berms.  Motorists should not attempt to cross the berms; they will get stuck. Crews will begin to haul away those berms this morning, starting on Second and Third avenues. Parking lanes in all areas are not yet clear.

Meanwhile, the City is suspending garbage pickup and curbside recycling for business and residential customers again today, Friday, Dec. 19.   Thursday and Friday customers can put out twice their normal garbage amount next week.  However, because of the Christmas holiday next week, Thursday customers will put out their garbage on Friday, Dec. 26, and Friday customers will put out their garbage on Saturday, Dec. 27.

Here is a list of other City-related closures for Friday:

*    Spokane City Hall.
*    Spokane Public Library branches
*    Riverfront Park attractions, including the IMAX.
*    Holiday Lights Floral Display at Manito Park Gaiser Conservatory.
*    All City of Spokane Parks and Recreation Classes are cancelled.
*    Northeast Youth Center.
*    Hillyard, Sinto, Corbin, and Southside senior centers.
*    Corbin Art Center.
*    Peaceful Valley Community Center.

"We know this record snowfall is causing hardships for many people, and we want to thank our citizens for their patience and assistance today," says Mayor Mary Verner.   "We've deployed all of our snow removal equipment and are calling in more from the private sector to efficiently and effectively open our streets.  This is our priority; it is my priority.  The City of Spokane is the heart of this region, and we will get the community moving."

We remain in a "Condition Red" snow emergency, which means City crews will continue plowing snow 24 hours a day, seven days a week until they can complete a full City plow, which includes removing snow from 967 miles of arterial and residential streets.  When they complete the major arterials and emergency snow routes, crews will move to the secondary arterials, bus routes, residential hills, and residential streets.

Police are asking residents to stay home, if at all possible.  If you must drive, the City is asking motorists to slow down, be patient, and drive according to the conditions.  The Spokane Police Department reports many, many collisions in the last two days in the City and County, and City police are not responding to non-injury, non-blocking collisions. 

Don't follow plows closely, and please do not try to pass these trucks; it is very dangerous.  Police also are asking citizens not to walk down the middle of streets.  If people must walk in the street because the sidewalk is blocked, stay single file and walk as close to the curb as possible. 

Updated information on the plowing schedule, including plowing maps, is available on the City's web site at ; citizens also can call our Snow Removal Hotline at 456-2666.  CityCable 5 will cablecast images from the community's traffic cameras for much of the day, interrupting that information only for a replay of the City Council meeting starting at 10 a.m.

Residents are asked to move vehicles from the street when plows are expected. Also, remember, the City uses truck plows, which will leave berms in front of residential driveways. We ask that residents assist their neighbors who may need help removing snow from their driveways and sidewalks.  Also, please check on neighbors who are elderly or otherwise vulnerable.


plowing schedule

I just talked with Steve from the street department.

The best way to get information on plowing will be to call the
plowline at 456-2666.

When we have definite information about the plowing of the
neighborhood, we will post it here.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good links to have

To learn latest official news on:


County's Official Site:

City's official site:

Spokane Transit:



For radio and TV stations, just enter call (i.e.;  some stations may end in .org

(Don't forget to mention what you learn to your neighbors.  It will make both your lives better.)

Got other good links for use to use during the snow emergency?  Post em  up here and tell us all!

Closures for 12/19/08

> **********************************************
> With severe weather conditions continuing, Spokane City Hall will be
> closed on Friday. City employees are asked to call their
> supervisors to find out if they need to report to work.
> In addition, these other facilities are closed as well:
> * Riverfront Park attractions, including the IMAX.
> * Holiday Lights Floral Display at Manito Park Gaiser Conservatory.
> * All City of Spokane Parks and Recreation Classes Cancelled
> * Northeast Youth Center.
> * Hillyard, Sinto, Corbin, and Southside senior centers.
> * Corbin Art Center.
> * Peaceful Valley Community Center
> Garbage and curbside recycling will proceed-with pickups normally
> scheduled for Thursday planned for Friday. Friday's pickups will
> occur on Saturday.
> Of course, street crews, law enforcement, and fire first responders
> will continue to provide services to citizens. An update on plow
> progress will follow soon.
> -30-

Monday, December 1, 2008

Browne's Addition December Meeting & Holiday Party - Wed at 6:30 PM

Hey Neighbors,

This Wednesday, December 3rd, will be our last General Meeting of the year... and we always make it a party! We'll meet at 6:30 at the E.J. Robert's Mansion (click here for more info). Please bring finger foods and/or drinks to share... and invite your neighbors!

The agenda for this meeting is simple.  First, we'll vote on 2009 Executive Council positions (to be an eligible voter, this December meeting needs to be your 3rd meeting in the last 6 months). Second, we'll have a short survey about the Forums, Projects, and Services you'd like to make happen together in the coming year (all are welcome to participate in this short survey!). Third, we'll eat, drink, and be merry together!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Steve Hart