Wednesday, December 31, 2008

West Bluffs Park: Feedback Needed

This is the phenomenal view from one of Spokane’s best Vista’s from the top of the West Bluffs Park in Brownes Addition. From here people can view the final journey of Latah Creek as it runs into the Spokane River. People can appreciate the industrial history of Spokane through the views of the old train lines as well as the current trains crossing from Sunset Hill into our fair city. The visa also opens sight up to the Rimrocks Conservation Area and the Indian Canon area. In short this is one of the best views in all of Spokane that very few people know about.

Just below the vista is an important trail connection that connects the upper bluffs area and Browne’s Addition to Latah Creek, the Latah neighborhood, Peaceful Valley neighborhood, High Bridge Park (including Frisbee Golf), Peoples Park, Sandifer Bridge, the Bloomsday course, the Fish Lake Trail, and the centennial trail. Who knew that Browns Addition had such an amazing corridor to these amazing natural areas?

The neighborhood has started initial design work on formalizing this trail and updating the park area at the top of the bluffs to ensure that this critical access is formally adopted and recognized by the parks department as well as its fortunate residents.

Attend the Browns Addition Neighborhood Council Meeting on January 7th at the Museum of Arts and Culture at 6:30pm and provide essential feedback and opinions on the plan for the enhancement and preservation of this amazing park. We welcome newcomers and anyone with an good idea on how to make this park enhancement park project a better outcome. There will be a presentation on the project followed by resident input.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Latest from the City

Below is the latest press release from the city (underlines and emphasis added;  edited.)  I will be incontact with the street dept to ensure a second round plow and with plenty of time to plan for it.
Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740






City of Spokane snow removal crews Monday are once again working in the snow emergency routes and major arterials as our pattern of snow and more snow continues.  Truck plows, sanders, and de-icers are in the arterials. 

Graders remain in the residential streets, with the second round of residential plowing expected to be completed today and work on a third pass in some areas proceeds.  Residential plowing will be slow today because so much equipment is in the arterials.

In the residential areas, crews are finishing work in the final residential route remaining in the second round of plowing—8.  They also are plowing in residential hill sections 20, 22, and 24 for the third time and have completed route 23 for a third time.  In addition, they have completed section 1 for a third time and are working in 2, 12, and 13. 

Other areas will be plowed for a third time as needed in the coming days.  Browne's Addition currently is not scheduled for a second plow, but may be in the coming days as more snow falls.  (See the residential routes at 


Sunday, December 28, 2008

From the City

Good afternoon all,
We are continuing with snow removal efforts today, and also are asking
that people consider clearing storm drains, if possible, to minimize
urban flooding. We will have wastewater crews out tomorrow clearing
catch basins; our wastewater crews that would do that are currently
involved in snow removal.
For the coming week, we are still asking customers who receive garbage
pickup in the alley to put their carts on the street.

Marlene Feist
Public Affairs Officer
City of Spokane

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Plowing Schedules

Just to clear up any possible confusion, at this time ( Sat 12/27/08
at 11:00 am) there is no schedule for the next round plowing of
Browne's Addition that we are aware of.

The section maps on the city streets website, which you have to
download as a PDF in order to view, do not show the neighborhood as
belonging to a specific route (i.e. 11, 2, 14, etc.) I have been told
we occupy a unique space in the plowing universe, probably because of
our narrow streets and parked cars.

When we are told of the next round of plowing, we will put the
information up here and will once again ask the MAC to house our
vehicles overnight.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Flyer Compliments of Neighborhood Services

Parking at MAC

The MAC has graciously allowed neighbors in Browne's Addition to park in their parking lot Monday and Tuesday night for plowing.

They request we park in COVERED AREAS ONLY (Levels L1 and L2), as they are going to have the top, open parking area plowed.

Thanks to the MAC and spread the word!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Browne's Addition Plowing Schedule

From the city..

December 20, 2008 - 10:30 a.m.

Contact:        Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740

the City will plow Browne's Addition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 23 and 24.  North-south streets in Browne's Addition will be plowed on Tuesday, and east-west streets on Wednesday.  Plowing will begin at 9 a.m. each day in this area.  Because the streets are so narrow in Browne's Addition, cars must be moved from the streets or they will be towed.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Plowing in the Neighborhood

From the city..

December 20, 2008 - 10:30 a.m.

Contact: Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740

the City will plow Browne's Addition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 23
and 24. North-south streets in Browne's Addition will be plowed on
Tuesday, and east-west streets on Wednesday. Plowing will begin at 9
a.m. each day in this area. Because the streets are so narrow in
Browne's Addition, cars must be moved from the streets or they will be

Friday, December 19, 2008

Driving Conditions

This is from Al Gilson, Communications Manager for Eastern Region WSDOT

Winter driving conditions

Winter driving conditions can be expected on all state highways and secondary roadways.  Motorists need to be prepared for these conditions at all times by carrying chains, basic safety equipment, and keep your vehicle in proper operating conditions.  

Winter driving information is available at: <
Mountain pass reports plus road conditions on selected eastern Washington highways is available by dialing 5-1-1 or via the internet at the following web pages: < <

Snow Update - Trash Pick-up Suspended

Hey Neighbors,

Here is the latest from the city...


December 19, 2008 - 7 a.m.

Contact:        Marlene Feist

Public Affairs Officer

(509) 625-6740



City garbage pickup suspended for another day


City snow removal crews made solid progress overnight.  They have completed their emergency snow routes and are continuing to work on major and secondary arterials.  Many arterials are in good shape.

Additionally, work in the residential neighborhoods also is continuing.  Crews have finished residential hill section 23, which includes part of Indian Trail; are wrapping up section 24, in southwest Spokane; have proceeded into 22, which includes Five Mile and other parts of far northwest Spokane, and have just begun work in 20, which includes the west side of the South Hill.  (See residential snow route map at to look at the routes.)

Eleven private graders, up from seven last night, are now in the residential roads, along with 10 City graders.  Residents should wait until the second grader passes their house before shoveling out their driveways.

Work also is proceeding downtown.  Crews have "racked" the snow to the center of the street, creating large berms.  Motorists should not attempt to cross the berms; they will get stuck. Crews will begin to haul away those berms this morning, starting on Second and Third avenues. Parking lanes in all areas are not yet clear.

Meanwhile, the City is suspending garbage pickup and curbside recycling for business and residential customers again today, Friday, Dec. 19.   Thursday and Friday customers can put out twice their normal garbage amount next week.  However, because of the Christmas holiday next week, Thursday customers will put out their garbage on Friday, Dec. 26, and Friday customers will put out their garbage on Saturday, Dec. 27.

Here is a list of other City-related closures for Friday:

*    Spokane City Hall.
*    Spokane Public Library branches
*    Riverfront Park attractions, including the IMAX.
*    Holiday Lights Floral Display at Manito Park Gaiser Conservatory.
*    All City of Spokane Parks and Recreation Classes are cancelled.
*    Northeast Youth Center.
*    Hillyard, Sinto, Corbin, and Southside senior centers.
*    Corbin Art Center.
*    Peaceful Valley Community Center.

"We know this record snowfall is causing hardships for many people, and we want to thank our citizens for their patience and assistance today," says Mayor Mary Verner.   "We've deployed all of our snow removal equipment and are calling in more from the private sector to efficiently and effectively open our streets.  This is our priority; it is my priority.  The City of Spokane is the heart of this region, and we will get the community moving."

We remain in a "Condition Red" snow emergency, which means City crews will continue plowing snow 24 hours a day, seven days a week until they can complete a full City plow, which includes removing snow from 967 miles of arterial and residential streets.  When they complete the major arterials and emergency snow routes, crews will move to the secondary arterials, bus routes, residential hills, and residential streets.

Police are asking residents to stay home, if at all possible.  If you must drive, the City is asking motorists to slow down, be patient, and drive according to the conditions.  The Spokane Police Department reports many, many collisions in the last two days in the City and County, and City police are not responding to non-injury, non-blocking collisions. 

Don't follow plows closely, and please do not try to pass these trucks; it is very dangerous.  Police also are asking citizens not to walk down the middle of streets.  If people must walk in the street because the sidewalk is blocked, stay single file and walk as close to the curb as possible. 

Updated information on the plowing schedule, including plowing maps, is available on the City's web site at ; citizens also can call our Snow Removal Hotline at 456-2666.  CityCable 5 will cablecast images from the community's traffic cameras for much of the day, interrupting that information only for a replay of the City Council meeting starting at 10 a.m.

Residents are asked to move vehicles from the street when plows are expected. Also, remember, the City uses truck plows, which will leave berms in front of residential driveways. We ask that residents assist their neighbors who may need help removing snow from their driveways and sidewalks.  Also, please check on neighbors who are elderly or otherwise vulnerable.


plowing schedule

I just talked with Steve from the street department.

The best way to get information on plowing will be to call the
plowline at 456-2666.

When we have definite information about the plowing of the
neighborhood, we will post it here.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good links to have

To learn latest official news on:


County's Official Site:

City's official site:

Spokane Transit:



For radio and TV stations, just enter call (i.e.;  some stations may end in .org

(Don't forget to mention what you learn to your neighbors.  It will make both your lives better.)

Got other good links for use to use during the snow emergency?  Post em  up here and tell us all!

Closures for 12/19/08

> **********************************************
> With severe weather conditions continuing, Spokane City Hall will be
> closed on Friday. City employees are asked to call their
> supervisors to find out if they need to report to work.
> In addition, these other facilities are closed as well:
> * Riverfront Park attractions, including the IMAX.
> * Holiday Lights Floral Display at Manito Park Gaiser Conservatory.
> * All City of Spokane Parks and Recreation Classes Cancelled
> * Northeast Youth Center.
> * Hillyard, Sinto, Corbin, and Southside senior centers.
> * Corbin Art Center.
> * Peaceful Valley Community Center
> Garbage and curbside recycling will proceed-with pickups normally
> scheduled for Thursday planned for Friday. Friday's pickups will
> occur on Saturday.
> Of course, street crews, law enforcement, and fire first responders
> will continue to provide services to citizens. An update on plow
> progress will follow soon.
> -30-

Monday, December 1, 2008

Browne's Addition December Meeting & Holiday Party - Wed at 6:30 PM

Hey Neighbors,

This Wednesday, December 3rd, will be our last General Meeting of the year... and we always make it a party! We'll meet at 6:30 at the E.J. Robert's Mansion (click here for more info). Please bring finger foods and/or drinks to share... and invite your neighbors!

The agenda for this meeting is simple.  First, we'll vote on 2009 Executive Council positions (to be an eligible voter, this December meeting needs to be your 3rd meeting in the last 6 months). Second, we'll have a short survey about the Forums, Projects, and Services you'd like to make happen together in the coming year (all are welcome to participate in this short survey!). Third, we'll eat, drink, and be merry together!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Steve Hart

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Browne's Addition Leaf Removal Info

Hey Neighbors!

I hope you enjoyed the changing colors of the leaves... because they are on the ground now and going away next week!

On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, November 18 & 19th, the City will be removing leaves from our streets here in Browne's Addition.  They'll do the north-south streets on Tuesday and the east-west streets on Wednesday. Please move your cars off the street on those days or the city threatens to tow you!  Pass this info along to your neighbors, please.

On this Sunday, November 16th, a small group of neighbors will be meeting together to flyer the neighborhood to help get this information out. We're putting together a simple flyer to put in apartment complexes and on cars giving out this information.  We'll also bring our rakes to help get leaves into the streets. If you'd like to help, meet at 1PM at 215 S Cannon St, rain or shine, and bring your gloves and rakes!

Happy Fall!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Browne's Addition November General Meeting: THIS WEDNESDAY @ 6:30PM!

Hey Neighbors,

This Wednesday is our November General Meeting.  We'll meet at 6:30 PM at the MAC.  This is an important meeting because we'll be voting on how to allocate our 2009 HUD Grant funds totaling more than $35,000.  I've attached the minutes from last month as well as the agenda for this month which will show you a bit about how we are thinking of allocating the funds. If you'd like to know more, please come to the meeting this week.

IMPORTANT: While everyone is welcome to give their input to how this money is allocated, only active members can vote. An active member is one who has attended 3 meetings in the last 6 months. In order to vote on 2009 allocations, this Wednesday must be at least your 3rd meeting in the last 6 months.

Also, I am attaching a sheet on our Executive Committee recommendations for the Public Service Grants.  $5330 of our total monies can be spent to support the work of public service agencies that serve our neighborhood.  We've made a recommendation on how to spend this money, but it is up to you all to vote it in.

I am also attaching a short summary on how HUD monies can be spent. Please read it before you come to the meeting so that you have a basic understanding of how the process works.

Finally, we need to put together a slate of names for the Executive Council positions.  We'll vote on these positions at our December meeting which will be a Holiday Party at the EJ Robert's Mansion (more info to come).  If you are interested in serving on the Executive Council, please preview the agenda (attached) and be ready to throw your name in the hat!!


Steve Hart

Thursday, October 2, 2008

2 Special Announcements

Hi Neighbors,

I wanted to pass along 2 things to you today.

First, this Saturday is the 2008 Spokane River Clean-up.  See the information and attachment below.

Second, I am also attaching a brief outline of the HUD Grant requirements. As we are determining how to allocate this years $35,000, this document might help you understand the parameters. We will be having a special Forum on this issue later this month, so watch your inbox and your mailbox (October Newsletter is coming soon!) for more information.


Steve Hart

6th Annual Spokane River Clean-Up!

Join your neighbors at the 6th annual Spokane River Clean-Up this Saturday October 4th.  We will meet at High Bridge Park at 9am for check in and start picking up litter and pulling weeds and planting plants and all that other good stuff around 10am.  This is a great way to clean-up the West Slopes of Browns Addition and our neighboring Highbridge Park, We will have neighborhood team leaders for groups at these clean-up sites and they would love to have you join them.  The weather should be nice, there will be free coffee from Thomas Hammer, and there are great raffle prizes as well.  Register at so we know you are planning on attending.  Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a river flow through their city.  We are, lets show this river and this community that we care enough to take care of it!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Browne's Addition October Meeting - Wed, Oct 1 6:30 PM

Hey Neighbors,

Just a quick reminder about our meeting THIS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st.  It's October already!!

We meet at 6:30 at the MAC, and we'll continue our discussion on how to spend our HUD grant - $35,000 for this year, and over $120,000 left over from previous years.

Additionally, in mid-October, we'll have a discussion forum on this HUD money on a night other than Wednesday so as to include as many people as possible.  If you'd like to suggest a day & time, please respond to this email ASAP.

Attached are the September Minutes and the October Agenda.


Steve Hart

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Splash Pad Grand Opening - Saturday at 10AM

Hey Neighbors,

Great news this morning - the Splash Pad in Coeur d'Alene Park is finished and will be open to the public beginning this Saturday!

See the information below from the Spokane Parks.

ALSO: At our neighborhood meeting last night (every first Wed of the month, 6:30PM at the MAC) we began discussion on how to spend our HUD Grant money of $35,000.  If you have ideas and are interested in putting time and energy into something in our neighborhood, please email me ASAP. Further discussion and decisions will be made at our October 1st meeting!

"Ribbon Cutting" Ceremony to be Held at 10:00 a.m. in Coeur d'Alene Park

Wear your swimsuit and join in the fun as City of Spokane officials open the first of ten new Bond-funded splash pads, right on time, as promised, nearly one year ago.  The public is encouraged to attend.
Here's where we'll be:
Splash Pad Location - Coeur d'Alene Park
Park Address - 2195 W. 2nd Ave.
Cross Streets - W. 4th Ave. & S. Chestnut
Opening Remarks – 10:00 a.m.
Splash Pad Officially Opens to Public – 10:15 a.m.
Splash Pad Closes for the Day – 4:00 p.m.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Browne's Addition Neighborhood Meeting - 6:30 PM Wednesday Sept 3rd!!

Hey Neighbors,

If I wrote you a check for $35,000 and told you had to spend it for the good of our neighborhood, what would you do? How would you make Browne's Addition a better place to live, work, and play? In particular, how would you spend that money to care for, serve, and equip people of low to moderate income?

Believe it or not, that is exactly the opportunity we have as a neighborhood this year!  Every year, Browne's Addition is alloted about $35,000 through the HUD Block Grant program, and beginning this Wednesday night you can weigh in on how that money should be spent!

This neighborhood needs your input, ideas, and brainstorming; but we also need your leadership and time investment. There are some regulations on how the money can be spent, but within those regulations is a great deal of freedom and opportunity to make Browne's Addition great - if we have the "human resources" to make it happen!

Our Meeting is THIS WEDNESDAY at the NEW TIME of 6:30 PM at the Museum of Arts and Culture.  So grab your neighbors and come help make Browne's Addition Great!

Hoping to see you all there,

Steve Hart

Monday, July 28, 2008

August Browne's Addition Meeting

Hi Neighbors,

A big "thank you" to all of you who've come out to enjoy the summer concert series on Thursday evenings! The concerts will continue each Thursday evening, 6-8 PM, until the end of August.  Bring a blanket and a picnic and come on out.

Also, please plan on attending the August Neighborhood Council meeting. There are many ways to be involved and care for our neighborhood, and we'd like to have you be a part of it.

Attached is the August meeting agenda as well as the minutes from our June meeting.


Steve Hart

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Browne's Addition Walking Tours

Hey Neighbors,

A couple of important items to pass along...

First, some info on the Walking Tours happening in July and August.  Parks needs 6 people total for each walk to happen, so sign up soon!

Walking Tour - Historic Browne's Addition
1 day (Ages 18 & over) Enjoy a walk through historic Browne's Addition learning about the mansions and their original owners. Mansion interior included. Architectural styles will be compared.  Tour ends at the neighborhood's Coeur d'Alene Park where you can enjoy a free concert that evening. Tour led by neighborhood resident MarLou Sproul.  Meet at NE corner of Coeur D'Alene Park. $12
MaryLou         6056                Th       7/24                 6-7:30 PM
MaryLou         6228                Th       8/21                 6-7:30 PM


Also, a special thanks to everyone who showed up to help clean up Bluff Park.  The trail is trash free after 30+ bags full of garbage, brush, and other debris was pulled out!  Take a walk down to Latah Creek and check it out!

And finally, the concert series continues each Thursday night in July and August, 6-8 PM, rain or shine.  This week's artist: Karli Fairbanks.


Steve Hart
Browne's Addition Neighborhood Council

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer Concerts, West Bluff Clean Up, and the Spray Pad

Hey Neighbors,

TONIGHT is the beginning of the Browne's Addition Summer Concert Series.  Every Thursday night from 6-8PM in July and August we'll be hosting a series of great local musicians.  Bring a dinner and a chair and come on out!  For the band line-up, check our blog at

Also, on Sunday, July 13th from 9-11 AM, join your neighbors to help beautify the West Bluff Park and Trail. The park is located on the far west end of our neighborhood and includes the trails that run down into Latah Valley. Bring some gloves, a rake or two, and some trash bags and help us make it beautiful, clean, and more user-friendly!

Finally, have you noticed the diggers on the South end of the park?  They are working on building our spray pad! That is your Park Bond money hard at work... and it looks like we'll all be getting wet later this summer!

Hope to see you all out tonight,

Steve Hart

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Concert Series 2008

The Browne's Addition Summer Concert Series starts Thursday, July 3rd! Every Thursday in July and August, from 6-8pm, come out and enjoy music and community! The concerts are all free, though donations will be accepted. Here is this year's exciting line-up:

7/3: Groove Patrol
7/10: Sidetrack
7/17: Karli Fairbanks
7/24: Dead Man's Pants
7/31: Dru Heller Trio
8/7: Joliene Felice and the Siamese Kats
8/21: Simply Strings
8/28: Chutzpah

And don't forget - David's Pizza will be selling slices at our last concert!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Browne's Addition June General Meeting

Hi Neighbors,

Attached is the agenda for our meeting this Wednesday at 7pm at the MAC.


Steve Hart

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mayor and the Flood


May 22, 2008

Contact: Marlene Feist
Public Affairs Officer
(509) 625-6740

Part of Upriver, South Riverton now closed

Mayor Mary Verner will tour Peaceful Valley and Upriver Drive today to assess areas affected by Spokane River flooding starting at about 1 p.m. She will be accompanied by City Public Works and Public Safety officials.

The City of Spokane is making sand and bags available to property owners in Peaceful Valley and along Upriver Drive, who may need the bags to keep water out of their homes, as the Spokane River continues to rise.

Sand and bags will be available in the parking lot at the Peaceful Valley Community Center and near the closed portion of Upriver Drive no later than 5 p.m. Updated information will be sent out as soon as it’s available. Citizens can fill the bags and then place them as appropriate on their properties.

Meanwhile, the City’s Street Department has placed sandbags at the boat launch at the end of Water Street in Peaceful Valley, around the Erie Street wastewater pump station, and around the levy in Peaceful Valley at the former Casket Company property.

Upriver Drive from Mission to Greene streets remains closed, and South Riverton, which is on the south side of the Spokane River, is closed to through traffic at Greene Street.

More information on flood preparation and cautions can be found at or at

Meanwhile, City Fire officials continue to repeat their safety concerns about the river. The entire river is running high and fast, and water temperatures remain very cold. The National Weather Service now says the Spokane River will crest sometime on Friday afternoon or early Saturday, however it is anticipated that the river will remain above flood stage until late this month.

Please use extreme caution around the river:

o Don’t allow children to play in the river. Moving water six inches deep can knock an adult off their feet, and the swift current can move a person downstream quickly. Cold water temperatures also can cause hypothermia.
o Don’t attempt to drive over flooded roads. Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling. A foot of water will float many vehicles. Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including sport utility vehicles and pick-ups.
o Observe road closure signs and stay out of barricaded areas. Remember that portions of the Centennial Trail along Upriver Drive are barricade off. Please obey that signage.
o Be aware of the large debris in the river. Higher water levels are pushing logs and other large debris into the river, increasing the danger to people.
o Call 9-1-1 immediately if you have an emergency along the river! With these conditions, problems can develop rapidly. Don’t wait to make that emergency call.

Friday, May 16, 2008

City..Community Roundtable

City of Spokane—Media Release 




May 14, 2008 


Contact: Marlene Feist      
Public Affairs Officer    
(509) 625-6740 




Spokane Mayor Mary Verner will host the third in a series of three interactive Community 
Roundtables on Wednesday, May 21, at 10:30 a.m. in the City Council Chambers in the lower 
level of City Hall.  The session's topic is "How do we drive growth to Centers and Corridors?"  


The session is intended to explore infill strategies, incentives, and new ideas.  Some of the issues 
that will be explored include market demand and conditions, lending, availability of Greenfield 
sites, and more.   


Joining the Mayor will be guests:  
Gordon Price, Director of the City Program at Simon Fraser University, British 
Columbia. He also served on the City Council in Vancouver, B.C. from 1986 to 2002.  
Jim Frank, a Spokane developer and owner of Greenstone Homes. 
Pete Rayner, another Spokane developer and owner of Beacon Hill Events. 
City staff also will be on hand to provide information. 


There are several opportunities for citizens to observe and participate:   
Watch the live video stream on the City's web site,
Watch the meeting on CityCable 5, which is found on channel 5 on the Comcast cable 
system in Spokane. 
Or come to City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., to watch the discussion. 
The roundtable groups will also be answering questions emailed to the City at and from the audience in the Council Chambers.   




Page 2 



Earlier sessions in this series looked at municipal finance and business & development 


The roundtables are being coordinated by the City's Business & Development Services 
Department, a new department created by Mayor Verner with a mission of addressing the 
community's business needs and coordinating revitalization programs with an emphasis on 
sustainable economic growth.   






City of Spokane—Media Release


May 13, 2008

Contact: Marlene Feist
Public Affairs Officer
(509) 625-6740


With the Spokane River near flood stage and very warm temperatures expected later this
week, the City of Spokane’s Fire Department and Public Works Division are urging
citizens to use extreme caution around the Spokane River.

Areas along Upriver Drive from the Riverview Apartments east to Greene Street and in
Peaceful Valley are most at risk for flooding, but the entire river is running high and fast.
Although outside air temperatures may be warm, water temperatures are very cold.
These conditions are a recipe for potential drowning.

The National Weather Service says the Spokane River may reach flood levels of 27 feet
early next week. Snowpack levels in the mountains remain above normal, and wind,
rain, and temperature all affect how fast the snow will melt and the water level rises.

The City wants to remind residents to use extreme caution around the river:
o Don’t allow children to play in the river. Moving water six inches deep can
knock an adult off their feet, and the swift current can move a person
downstream quickly. Cold water temperatures also can cause hypothermia.
o Don’t attempt to drive over flooded roads. Six inches of water will reach
the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible
stalling. A foot of water will float many vehicles. Two feet of rushing water
can carry away most vehicles including sport utility vehicles and pick-ups.


Page 2

o Observe road closure signs and stay out of barricaded areas. Even before
roadways are flooded, portions of the Centennial Trail along Upriver Drive
can become submerged. Please obey signage there, as well.
o Call 9-1-1 immediately if you have an emergency along the river.


From City...Sustainability

City of Spokane—Media Release


May 12, 2008

Contact: Susanne Croft
Sustainability Coordinator, Office of the Mayor
(509) 625-6967

The Mayor’s Sustainability Task Force, a group of 13 people who will create a
strategic action plan to identify ways that City government can help to address the
impacts of climate change and energy security, has created four work groups that will
begin meeting this week.

The work groups and their initial meeting times are as follows:
o Built & Unbuilt Environment: Monday, May 12, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Council
Briefing Center, lower level of City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Built and
Unbuilt Environment will focus on issues, such as land use and development
patterns, buildings and facilities, urban forest and parks, and related topics.
o Transportation & Mobility: Tuesday, May 13, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Conference
Room 2B, second floor of City Hall. Transportation and Mobility will look at
fleet and fuel options, transportation modes and patterns, freight movement, and
related topics.
o Water: Wednesday, May 14, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Conference Room 2B, second
floor of City Hall. Water will look at quality and quantity issues around water,
stormwater, wastewater, hydropower, and more.
o Procurement: Thursday, May 15, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Council Briefing Center,
lower level of City Hall. Procurement will look at goods and services, products,
contracts, packaging, recycling and waste reduction, and more.

Citizens are invited to participate in the work groups. If a citizen can’t make the first
meeting of any group, please call Susanne Croft at 625-6967 for more information.

A $75,000, one year GMA Planning Grant from the Washington State Dept. of
Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) is paying for the planning work.


Work Groups
Page 2

The goal is to determine affordable and sustainable ways that City government can
respond to the economic, environmental, and social challenges that may arise from
climate change and energy security needs.

The citizen task force is leading this strategic planning effort, supported by these work
groups and technical assistance from city staff and other experts. A kickoff event for the
year-long planning effort was held in early February and was attended by more than 150

This project is consistent with Governor Chris Gregoire’s recent climate change
challenge that encourages local jurisdictions to develop plans to mitigate the impacts of
climate change and also with commitments the City made when it signed on to the U.S.
Mayors Climate Protection Agreement last February.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May General Meeting - Wed, May 7, 7PM at the MAC

Hi Neighbors,

Our May meeting is this Wednesday night at 7pm at the MAC.

Attached are the minutes from April's Meeting and the agenda for this month.

Hope to see you all there!

(If you would like to be removed from this list, please let us know.)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Neighborhood Clean-Up: Tuesday, April 29th!

Hey Neighbors,

This is just a quick reminder about the FREE CURBSIDE TRASH PICK-UP this TUESDAY MORNING. Have everything out to the curb by 7AM!

"Get rid of small appliances (TVs, computers, & microwaves are OK), mattresses (one per household), tires (two per household). Boxes, bags, or bundles are great, but don't use your blue recycle bin! Items must weigh less than 85lbs. No cast iron tubs, no yard waste or concrete, no large appliances or furniture, no kitchen garbage, and no hazardous waste."

If you are able, help your neighbors get their junk to the curb. Let's clean up our neighborhood!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Community Garden: April 12th, 9-Noon

Browne's Addition,

If you (or anyone you know) is interested in being a part of the neighborhood garden, we are beginning work on it this Saturday, April 12, at 9AM. 

The garden is located on the south end of Emmanuel Lutheran Church building, on Spruce and Coeur d'Alene Ave. 

Hope to see you there!

Steve Hart,

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Browne's Addition April General Meeting

Hi neighbors,

Our April meeting is THIS WEDNESDAY, April 2nd, 7PM at the MAC.  Hope to see you all there.

I've attached a copy of the Agenda for tomorrow as well as the minutes from last month.


Steve Hart

Pool Meetings


Don't Miss the Pool Meetings!


The public is invited to attend any or all of these neighborhood meetings regarding Spokane's outdoor swimming pools.  We will show preliminary drawings of how the new pools may look and operate, based upon feedback from previous neighborhood meetings.


If you cannot attend and wish to leave a comment, please send an email or snail mail message to: 


Nancy Goodspeed
Spokane Parks & Recreation – City Hall
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201



April 2008 neighborhood meetings will be held as follows:


Tuesday, April 8 – two concurrent meetings


Pool Location – New Pool to be constructed for Northwest Spokane
Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Shadle Library Branch
Address: W. 2111 Wellesley Ave.


Pool Location – Witter, E. Mission & Upriver Drive
Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Stevens Elementary, Cafeteria
Address: 1717 E. Sinto Ave.



Wednesday, April 9 – two concurrent meetings


Pool Location – Hillyard, Columbia & Market
Meeting: Wednesday, April 9, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location:  Northeast Community Center
Address: 4001 N. Cook St.




Thursday, April 10 – two concurrent meetings


Pool Location – Cannon, Maxwell & Elm
Meeting: Thursday, April 10, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: West Central Community Center
Address:  1603 North Belt, 326-9540



Pool Location: Liberty, 5th & Pittsburg
Meeting: Thursday, April 10, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: East Central Community Center
Address: 500 S. Stone Street


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Light Bulbs?

Dear Neighborhood Council Leaders,

It is my pleasure to let you know about a really great initiative that we need your help in getting off the ground, or should I say, into the socket:
The Great Spokane Light Bulb Change-Out. Let there be (more energy-efficient) light!

If we change out our light bulbs from incandescent bulbs to CFLs and LEDs, we can conserve a lot of electricity as a community--and reduce our own electric bills at the same time! How much is “a lot”? That remains to be seen!

No worries…You will find out more about this initiative by attending a presentation the evening of

Tuesday, March 25th, in the Spokane City Council Chambers, at 7:00 pm (see agenda below)

Our illustrious Mayor, along with a variety of dynamic community speakers (we hope!), will discuss the energy issues we face, and how we can begin solving them!

We want to hear from you that evening! So far, the partners involved in this initiative include AVISTA, the City of Spokane, the Northwest Climate Change Center, The Lands Council, and PacifiCAD. However, the most important partners needed for this initiative are Spokane’s neighborhoods! As leader of your neighborhood council, your participation and input will be invaluable. Please mark your calendar for March 25th and plan on attending and dialoguing! We look forward to meeting you!

The public is invited to this event, too, so don’t hesitate to bring your friends!

Think about it: We can have a lot of fun! More fun, more success! Neighborhoods can engage in a variety of activities to get these new bulbs into their sockets, and showcase just how good these bulbs can look! Yes, technology is progressing! Neighborhoods can showcase homes that have “gone green” with home shows. You will have plenty of help and involvement from your partners in obtaining and distributing bulbs and getting the word out—and whatever else you need! You and your neighborhood will get public recognition for your arduous efforts—assuming they are arduous, that is! J

Okay, just one last very pressing issue that we need your immediate input on: How many Spokanites does it take to change a light bulb?

Give us your answer on Tuesday evening, March 25th! We will have a prize for the best answer!

Cheers, (and please don’t hesitate to e-mail or call—would love to hear from you!)

Melissa Ahern (and all the rest of the partners)
Director, Northwest Climate Change Center
(358-7982; 710-1494)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why I love Browne's Addition

This gentleman was celebrating the arrival of spring in a unique and wonderful way. He was gracious enough to allow me to take his picture, and I thank him.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Welcome to the Website!

If this is your first time to the Browne's Addition website, welcome! Thanks for taking the time to stop by. We hope you enjoyed the informative newsletter!

Are you ready to help make Browne's Addition great?

Leave us a comment (click "comments" below this post) and let us know who you are and why you stopped by. And take a moment to share a hope or idea of how Browne's Addition can keep getting better.

Also, be sure to enter your email address in the box at right. This will ensure you get regular updates from us on what is going on in your neighborhood.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us by email at

Thanks again for your time!

Monday, March 3, 2008

BANC March General Meeting

Hi Neighbors,

Hope to see you all at our meeting this Wednesday night, 7PM at the MAC!


Steve Hart

note: February Minutes and March agenda attached

Friday, February 29, 2008

Pools and Spray Pad Meetings

The City is working hard on getting information out about the new pools. Here is a list of the upcoming informational meetings.

Monday, March 3 – one meeting

Pool Location – New Pool to be constructed for Northwest Spokane
Meeting: Monday, March 3, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Browne Elementary
Address: 5102 N. Driscoll Blvd.

Tuesday, March 4 – two concurrent meetings

Pool Location – Hillyard, Columbia & Market
Meeting: Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Northeast Community Center
Address: 4001 N. Cook St.

Pool Location - 29th & Howard
Meeting: Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Southside Senior Activity & Community Center
Address: 3151 East 27th Avenue

Wednesday, March 5 – two concurrent meetings

Pool Location – Maxwell & Elm
Meeting: Wednesday, March 5, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: West Central Community Center
Address: 1603 North Belt, 326-9540

Pool Location – 5th & Pittsburg
Meeting: Wednesday, March 5, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: East Central Community Center
Address: 500 S. Stone St

Thursday, March 6 – one meeting

Pool Location – E. Mission & Upriver Drive
Meeting: Thursday, March 6, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Stevens Elementary, Cafeteria
Address: 1717 E. Sinto Ave.

Tuesday, April 8 – two concurrent meetings

Pool Location – New Pool to be constructed for Northwest Spokane
Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Shadle Library Branch
2111 West Wellesley Ave.

Pool Location – E. Mission & Upriver Drive
Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Stevens Elementary, Cafeteria
Address: 1717 E. Sinto Ave.

Wednesday, April 9 – two concurrent meetings

Pool Location – Columbia & Market
Meeting: Wednesday, April 9, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Northeast Community Center
Address: 4001 N. Cook St.

Pool Location – 29th & Howard
Meeting: Wednesday, April 9, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Southside Senior Activity & Community Center
Address: 3151 East 27th Avenue

Thursday, April 10 – two concurrent meetings

Pool Location – Maxwell & Elm
Meeting: Thursday, April 10, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: West Central Community Center
Address: 1603 North Belt

Pool Location – 5th & Pittsburg
Meeting: Thursday, April 10, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: East Central Community Center
Address: 500 S. Stone Street

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Elk Anniversary

The Elk's 9th Anniversary party is on Saturday, February 23rd starting at about 9pm. Live music from The Longnecks.

Pedestrian, Transportation, Traffic Cmte mtg

Greetings All!

Just a quick reminder that the next CA Pedestrian, Transportation & Traffic (PeTT) Committee meeting is next Tuesday, February 12, at 7pm The meeting is at the East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone.  Just for February, we will be meeting in the Senior Room, down the hall to the right of the Conference Room. 

The agenda highlights for this month are:                

1)      Mayor Mary Verner  Snow Removal 
2)      Traffic Awareness and Pedestrian Safety Week 
3)      Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator

Please remember that this is an open meeting, all are welcomed.  If you are your Neighborhood representative and there are others interested in the topics, bring them along!

Questions, please email or call me at 625-6737.

Thanks, Rod Minarik, Neighborhood Services

Art in Neighborhoods Research Project - in advance of NUSA

Dear Neighborhood Representatives,
We are looking at creating some sort of Neighborhood Arts list to be placed on and to possibly to be used for the tours for NUSA and other neighborhood activities.  While we have a good list of the art created by the City through the Percent for Art program and the Arts Directory on, we do not have a complete list of all of the art in schools (especially private ones) and neighborhood arts activities.  So, what I am asking for is this - please email any ideas you may have of art objects, programs or places that you think would be of general community interest.  These places need to be accessible to the public.  Please include the address or the contact name so that the person working up the list can go see and confirm the location.  
Please email your ideas to me at   The deadline is February 22. 
Thanks! Shared Song, Communal Memory

The New York Times E-mail This
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Anyone see something like this happening in Browne's Addition?

ARTS / MUSIC   | February 10, 2008
Music:  Shared Song, Communal Memory
From Hawaii to the Philadelphia suburbs, community sings, or singalongs, draw together the average-voiced and bring old songs into common memory.

Most E-mailed
1. Vital Signs: Symptoms: Metabolic Syndrome Is Tied to Diet Soda
2. Op-Ed Columnist: The Revenge of Seamus
3. Op-Ed Columnist: Next Up for the Democrats: Civil War
4. Global Classrooms: Universities Rush to Set Up Outposts Abroad
5. Biofuels Deemed a Greenhouse Threat

»  Go to Complete List


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow Plows in Browne's Addition

Snow plow trucks will be in Browne’s Addition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 5 and 6, beginning at 9 a.m. each day. Tuesday the north and south streets will be plowed, and Wednesday the east and west streets will be plowed. Move your vehicle from the street the day that trucks will be in your area or it will be towed.

For more information, go here:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January General Meeting

Hey Neighbors,

Tomorrow night, January 2nd, is the first Browne's Addition Neighborhood Council of 2008 - 7 PM at the MAC. There are a few ongoing items to discuss, but mostly we'll be brainstorming about the coming year.

If you have ideas about what our neighborhood needs, and you are interested in putting time, energy, and resources towards those ideas, we sure would like to have you there!

Date: Wednesday, January 2nd
Place: The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture
Time: 7PM