Thursday, June 26, 2014

Just a quick reminder that your Browne's Addition Neighborhood Council WILL NOT meet in July.
(we need a break too)

Please join us for the first of our Summer Concerts on July 3, 6 pm in the park.

Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July holiday, and we will see you in August.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

There have been reports of car prowling incidents in our neighborhood recently, specifically along 1st Avenue.
Please be prudent in LOCKING your vehicle, and SECURING (out of sight) those items that may be tempting a prowler.
With the warmer weather and later sunsets, these prowlers may find their way to your vehicle.
Don't give them the chance to make you a victim!

 -Your Browne's Addition Neighborhood Council, Executive Committee

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Our friends at The Elk Public House have asked me to forward on to our neighbors, information regarding the ElkFest 2014 event taking place this weekend. One item of note, is the temporary changes to the STA Bus Schedule through our neighborhood. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The June, 2014 General Meeting of YOUR Neighborhood Council is just around the corner. We will meet on Wednesday evening, June 4 at the NW Museum of Arts and Culture, 6:30 pm (as always). Be there to join the discussion. Our agenda for this month is: