Monday, June 29, 2009

Concert Series

Well, the first concert of the season will be upon  us this Thursday.  This first one will begin with a "Big Check Ceremony" with the Spokane Parks Foundation who generously supported us.  It would be great to have a lot of neighborhood support at this first meeting to allow us ALL to say thank  you.

We also have a need for concert "stewards" during the concerts.  These are just neighborhood volunteers who walk around the concert, answer questions, help with passing the hat, and assist with cleaning up etc.  There is not a lot to it, but it is very important work and we need a few good neighbors to help us, three for every concert. 

Do you feel as if you could help and serve as a steward for one of the concerts? 

If so, please contact our Concert Series Coordinator,

Christine White

Thank  you!