Monday, June 1, 2009

Monthly Gathering Wednesday--something different

Pies on Us! Pie's On Us! Pies' On Us!

This Wednesday, June 3, from 6:30 to 8:00 in the evening we will be having our monthly Browne's Addition Neighborhood Council/Steering Committee gathering.  To mark the mid point of the year, we are pulling together the needs and ideas folks identified at the Holiday Party/Annual Meeting and checking our progress.  If  you have a new project idea come share that as well.

This will be very informal and also a chance for us all to socialize a little.  Soooo, we are having pie and coffee (or other) social as well.  So come ready for something yummy and something interesting!

(For those who like to multitask:  You can kill two birds with one stone by inviting your neighbors "out for dessert" this Wednesday evening.  Then bring them to the MAC for our gathering!  Imagine the looks on their faces!)

We meet at the MAC, the Museum of Arts and Culture, 2316 First, downstairs in the Gilkey Room (just go in the main entrance).  We are always out by 8:00.

Remember, FREE PIE to the first 2,000 neighbors in attendance!