6:30 | 1. | Call to Order/Agenda/Introductions/Sign-in Sheet --Discussion of Credentialing
2. | Minutes from previous meeting—Mary Lou
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3. | Treasurer's Report—Janet
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6:40 | 4. | Community Development – Jim --Human Service Allocation --CD Funding for 2010 --Voting on Allocations
7:05 | 5. | Bus Line Discussion -- Ryan
7:25 | 6. | Concert Series Update—MaryLou
7:30 | 7. | Leadership Positions for 2010—Mary
7:40 | 8. | Meeting/Party Planning for Dec—Louis,Shannon
7:45 | 9. | Items from the floor
7:58 | 10. | Adjourn
If you are a part of the Browne's Addition neighborhood, this is your community Blog. And its here for you, so comment on a post, add some information, make a post, subscribe to our mailing list, and come get to know your neighbors......See you in the neighborhood.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Lots Goin' On Wed night
Just a reminder that the Browne's Addition Neighborhood Coucil and Steering Committee will be gathering Wed at 6:30 at the MAC. Below is the anticipated agenda, pending input from those that attend, of course. See you tonight!